"Fortunate is the one who shares everything"
We were headed in the right direction, from my guessing.
"Life is hell!" one sighed from behind me.
"If life is hell, then you must be the devil himself!" I answered.
I thought it quite clever, having not thought about it much before spewing it. Sunbathing, having a beer, looking at a sharply-dressed young man right beside a cloud of crack-cocaine, I was inspired the following :
If you feel life is Hell,Then you must be the devil Himself!Cornered in a rowCommanding plague and shell.
Featured in the side-walkLike footprints of abuseCollecting rain, and dustAs bricks to their refuge
They mean all-well, and well is warpedBent to points and corners sharpI fear that most are left to rot
Irreversibly struck
Shadows are proof that trees existFor they are projected consequenceSo does the mind, then.
July 8th, 2022
all your elders warn you of flamboyant dress and speech
but it never connects
until you've worked it through
Today's the first day of my birth-month, August 1st, 2022. I'll be turning 26 years old in 18 days. There's a lot I feel still to be accomplished, but I also wanted to practice gratefulness for what I have, and what I've done for myself and the ones I love. To do so, I figured I should compile a list of all the things that bring me closer to the Divine.
In the past 12 months, I've...
...gotten my apprentice driver's license
...acquired my first bicycle
...regularly pushed myself physically through bicycle exercise
...went to Costa Rica for the first time (my first real trip alone)
...went to British Columbia for the first time, where I climbed a mountain to gaze upon the Rockies
...started working with oil paints more seriously
...stabilized and improved my tattooing skills
...started buying and reading books more frequently
...started looking into medium and long-term plans for my life, which was almost unthinkable just a few years ago.
Make things you're proud of. Focus on the act of working itself, and merge it into your Divine connection. Do not let exterior energies in, they will only serve to distract you.
Cave into yourself, holding the keys.